Week 2 & 3: NaNoWriMo

I have no fancy stats for you today. Only an apology that I haven’t continued to update you on my novel writing progress. Essentially, my week  two word count total …

Lest We Forget

I Remember… “Remembrance Day” is what November 11th is called in many Commonwealth Countries – such as Australia, Barbados, Bermuda, Canada, Ireland, South Africa and United Kingdom (as well as …

2008 in Review

Well, here we go. My year in review. Projects Started/ Finished: January of 2008 I started a no-plot-project. It was a way for me to let go of my obsessive …

Happy Holidays

Well it’s finally done. The tree is up and decorated. The presents are wrapped and under the tree. Nothing like waiting until the last possible moment, huh? I hope you …

Word Count (Dec 1)

I haven’t updated you on my word count for last week. Well here it is: Monday (Nov 24) – 534 Words Wednesday (Nov 26) – 931 Words (most of that …

Word Count (Nov 20)

Today I can honestly tell you that life is good. I’m not stressed out at work, I’m able to write over my lunch hours, my dogs have been behaving (mostly) …